Monday, April 13, 2020

Every Day a Bank Holiday

Another bank holiday.  Except that, right now, every day has the feel of a bank holiday, with so many people away from their workplaces and normal daily routines displaced.  These really are strange times that we are living through.  It seems strange to think that only a few weeks ago I was looking forward to Easter as it offered the opportunity for a desperately needed extended break from work.  Now there is nothing but a break from work.  Not that I'm missing work at all.  The old adage that absence makes the heart grow fonder doesn't apply with regard to my current job.  This extended enforced break has just confirmed that I can do without all the shit that it brings in my life.  When this is all over, I'll have to figure out the best way to extricate myself from it all and find some kind of alternative.  But that's the thing, right now, with everything so uncertain, there's no incentive, I find, to start too much.  I have lots of projects I want to pursue, for instance, but despite having time on my hands, I'm reluctant to start many of them, for fear that if I get them completed now then, if this lockdown drags on further, I'll have nothing left to do. On the other hand, I don't want to start anything major and long term only to have the lockdown end and have my progress disrupted.   Moreover, as my ability to obtain many of the materials I need is severely restricted by the lockdown, the scope of those projects I can pursue is limited.  Ultimately, it is the lack of certainty which is so restrictive.

Still, we can't have everything, can we?  While the current pandemic has brought many blessings - the cancellation of this year's Eurovision Song Contest, not to mention the cancellation of the accursed Crapchester Live, for instance - it sadly couldn't take Boris Johnson from us.  It's at times like this that one is tempted to curse the professionalism and efficiency of the NHS.  If only Johnson had gone private, perhaps we could have been rid of him.  Of course, I'm not really allowed to say things like that - it upsets all those self-righteous right-wing cry babies on social media.  But really, I have little sympathy for Johnson.  At the same time he was telling us to wash our hands and not shake hands with anybody (which, at that point, his government seemed to think, was all we needed to do in the UK to defeat the coronavirus pandemic), what was our PM doing?  That's right he was busy shaling hands with coronavirus patients for the sake of photo opportunities.  Idiot.  But hey, he's a 'fighter', so he had nothing to worry about.  Because, apparently, that's all you need to defeat the virus: true blue British resolve.  If you don't survive, the implication is, it is because you are weak, you are not a 'fighter'.  Still, if nothing else, Johnson's bout of coronavirus has at least kept him off our TV screens and will continue to do so for a while yet.  Which is relief for all of us at this time of crisis.

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