Monday, April 15, 2013

They're in Love with Maggie Thatcher

I find it deeply ironic that whilst condemning the cult of personality which rules North Korea, here in the UK the right-wing media are simultaneously colluding with the government in creating our very own cult of personality around the late (and, by me, unlamented) Maggie Thatcher.  Indeed, the right's refusal to brook any criticism of their idol is now reaching ridiculous proportions.  Over the weekend I've encountered some truly ludicrous 'articles', (as they are written by barely literate Thatcher-lovers, I hesitate to dignify them with the term article), online in some kind of 'anti-leftie' backlash by the witless.  One of my favourites was 'How will the left feel if the right has a go at Nelson Mandela when he dies?'  Actually, I'll answer that one: it would simply confirm all our prejudices against them.  You see, there is simply no equivalence between Thatcher and Mandela.  One was a deeply divisive and partisan politician who helped to undermine a system beneficial to the disadvantaged, whereas the other promoted unity and racial harmony and attempted to create an inclusive new society in his country.  Whilst it is easy to despise Thatcher, with good reason, it would be difficult to find similar grounds to attack Mandela.  Unless, of course, you are a racist - who were the people most disadvantaged by Mandela.

On the same site, (one of those right-wing propaganda sites which tries to masquerade as a satire site, but undermines itself due to the fact that right-wing nut jobs have no sense of humour), was another rant about how 'the left' were trying to smear Thatcher by claiming she had links to Jimmy Savile.   Which she did.  She even invited him to Chequers on several occasions, which goes beyond the normal sort of showbiz chumminess between politicians and celebrities.  But according to this dolt, Savile was 'the toast of the Labour Party'.  No he wasn't.  He was a Tory supporter, or more accurately, a Maggie supporter.  Oh yes, then he tries to draw some moral equivalency with Tony Blair, implying left-wing hypocrisy for 'the left' not treating him the same way as Thatcher.  Except that Blair isn't left-wing in any conventional sense.  Indeed, most of his critics are on the left, rather than the right, who actually admire him.  You see, right-wing nut jobs, when we on the left have our own 'Thatcher', we at least have the decency to criticise him when he's both alive and in power, rather than uncritically praise his every work.  I'd also be fascinated to know who these 'lefties' are who are supposedly trying to besmirch the memory of Saint Margaret by pointing out that she was friends with a notorious sex offender?  I haven't see such allegations anywhere other than...The Sleaze.  Not only do these clowns have no sense of humour, they apparently have no critical faculties either and can't tell the difference between serious reporting and satire, (a bit of a handicap when you are meant to be writing 'satire' yourself).

But hey, I don't blame these 'righties' for making such a fuss about the passing of Thatcher - I mean, they've lost their primary masturbatory fantasy.  No wonder they're upset - after all, they can hardly keep wanking off over her picture now she's dead, that would be tantamount to necrophilia, wouldn't it?  Who else have they got?  Louise Mensch?  Theresa May?  William Hague?  Nah, no true Tory boy could possibly get it up, let alone shoot their load, by thinking of any of them.

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