Monday, January 07, 2013

The Way Ahead

I really haven't got into the grooves, so to speak, as far as my postings for 2013 go.  I'm afraid that I've just had too many distractions, most of them too tedious and expensive to go into in detail.  Others are relatively minor, but nonetheless extremely irritating and time consuming.  Right now, for instance, I'm having to spend time trying to find a new, reliable and free, stats service as I'm sick to death of the unreliability of the ones I use currently.  Preferably, I'd like a 'real time' stats service that didn't freeze with monotonous regularity and delay stats reporting for up to ninety minutes, thereby rendering itself a complete waste of time.  I'll give you a tip if you are looking for web stats services yourself - avoid the ones which appear near the top of Google's results like the plague, they're the ones I'm perennially having trouble with.  They make big promises they can't follow through on.  But getting back to the point, I thought perhaps a more constructive way of getting into the right mood for blogging in 2013 would be to take a look at what I'm planning to do online this year.

The bad news for non-listeners to The Sleazecast is that I intend continuing with my experiments in podcasting.  That said, it will probably be February or March before I commence 'series three' of The Sleazecast, which, once again, have its format tweaked, to feature less of me talking and more of 'other stuff' I'm increasingly putting together.  As well as the ever-evolving Sleazecast, I'm not ruling out other audio projects.  So, be warned.  As far as The Sleaze is concerned, Google's continued 'punishment' of non-favoured, non-brand name, sites means that I see little prospect of any sustained recovery in traffic.  Consequently, I'm inclined to start experimenting with the content I post there, rather than focusing on the straightforward stories I've been publishing for the past few years.  In other words, a return to the old days of the site, when I used to publish all manner of stuff - fake competitions, fake factual articles, lots of fake reviews and special features.  The same applies here - I've already been posting video on Sleaze Diary and added podcasts to the mix over the past year or so, and I'd like to find other forms of media to include here.  Moreover, I'm working on coming up with new post formats for the new year.  We'll see if any of it comes to fruition.        

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