Tuesday, October 09, 2012


I had this terrible nightmare the other night.  It was so bad it made me wake up in a cold sweat.  To cut a long story short, I dreamt that, for some reason or other, I was forced to meet David Cameron.  Wanting to make the best of a bad situation, I determined to tell the public school pillock exactly what I thought of him and his policies.  And possibly punch him out.  However when, in the dream, I finally came face to blubbery face with the tosser, I found that he was so pathetic that I actually ended up feeling sorry for him.  So sorry, in fact, that I didn't say anything abusive to him, let alone hit the bastard.  Jesus!  How bloody horrifying - feeling sorry for David Cameron!  What next - sympathy for George Osborne over all that shit he's taken over the allegations of hookers and cocaine?  Empathising with Nick Clegg over the fact that everyone hates him?  Like I said, a bloody nightmare!

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