Thursday, June 11, 2009

More Twitter Twatter

Yet another piece of research which falls into the "No shit, Sherlock" category: over 90% of Tweets on Twitter are made by only 10% of users, meaning that it is more of a mass broadcasting system than a peer-to-peer communication tool. As I've noted before, the whole terminology of Twitter, all that 'followers' business makes it seem like a religion, so it really shouldn't be a surprise that it is dominated by a relatively small number of 'power users' - usually celebrities - dispensing words of wisdom to their acolytes who, in turn, await each new pearl of wisdom -"I've just picked my nose" - with bated breath. Is it any wonder that so many people on Twitter pretend to be celebrities, masquerading as someone semi-famous in order to attract followers! Actually, such a desperate need for adulation is really quite pathetic. And let's face it, no matter how many followers you've attracted under false pretences on Twitter, you still can't change the reality that you are actually some sad little bloke sat in his pyjamas in front of his laptop i a shabby bedsit in Salford.

Mind you, worse than these fake celebs are the sad bastards who spend their time directing vitriol at real celebrities. For some it is undoubtedly the fact that if they direct enough foul-mouthed and libellous tirades at famous people they will, themselves, achieve a degree of notoriety and followers, which motivates many of them. For others, I'm sure, it is a deeply seated sense of inadequacy which leads them to hurl abuse via Twitter at those who have achieved some degree of success. But really, it's all just a waste of energy. Whilst Twitter doubtless provides an unprecedented opportunity to get as close as most of us ever will to calling Russell Brand a 'Twat' to his face - what's the point? I really don't care enough about any of these people to be bothered. More importantly - do you really think your targets actually care? Even if they do read your angry Tweets, they'll just block you. Trust me, they don't give a toss. I certainly wouldn't. I did think of running a campaign whereby I harassed these pillocks in the same way they harass celebrity Twitterers, by directing hate-filled Tweets at them for no reason other than that the service allows you to abuse complete strangers. But I couldn't be arsed.

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