Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Mercy Killing?

Another week, another fake Trump assassination attempt.  This latest one, with some nut allegedly hiding on a golf course and being frightened off by the Secret Service firing their guns is simply pathetic.  They couldn't even be bothered to have the would be alleged assassin in the same frame, so to speak, as Trump.  But we shouldn't expect anything else - as ever it is a clear attempt to divert attention from other issues - in this case Trump's abysmal performance in his debate with Kamala Harris - and paint Trump as a victim of evil plots against him.  Believe me, if he start slipping further behind in the polls, we'll see yet more 'assassination attempts'.  They will probably end up with someone trying to get him in the face with a custard pie, so lamentable is their execution.  Yeah, I know, it is outrageous of me to be making light of such things but so long as Trump and his loonies keep on spreading laughable conspiracy theories, I'm going to keep on coming up with my own idiotic conspiracy theories about their idol.  To be quite frank, if someone was to actually assassinate Trump before the election then it would surely be seen as a mercy killing.  Not that I'm condoning or encouraging political violence, but surely putting this sad, demented old man out of his misery would be to do American democracy a favour.  

The serious question here is why on earth can't large swathes of the US electorate and media see Trump for what he is - an insincere, utterly venal and egotistical charlatan spewing barely coherent, hate filled, nonsense?  Why aren't the US media highlighting the total absence of any actual policy initiatives in any of his burblings?  Why do they not expose his chicanery and obvious lies?  Perhaps, in truth, they do see all of this, but simply don't care.  The fact that he is apparently certifiably insane is irrelevant to many of his supporters and the right-wing media - he is simply seen as a convenient enabler for a cabal of right-wing extremists who would otherwise never get anywhere near power.  But Trump is the key who can unlock the White House for them and give them access to every level of the US government, which they intend to dismantle and remake into a agent for their narrow ends.  Crazy Donald has already shown that he has no regard for the democratic process, the courts, even the Constitution, (with which he regularly wipes his arse), which makes him the perfect front man for the extreme right.  Yeah, I know, I'm ranting.  Again.  But I had a taxing journey home from the coast today, beset by idiot drivers who seemed to think that the rules of the road don't apply to them.  In a way, they are what Trump (and his UK relatives like Farage) represent in microcosm: an obsession with narrow self interest at the cost of everyone else.

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