Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Hallucinogenic Halloween

Every year when Halloween comes around I think that I should do something here to mark the day.  I don't know why - even when I can be bothered to do something seasonal, it is roundly ignored.  Besides, Halloween just isn't a big deal these days.  In truth, it never has been here in the UK.  No matter how much they try to import the US vision of Halloween, it always ends up being a damp squib.  Which shouldn't really be a surprise as, with Guy Fawkes Night just around the corner, who wants to be bother with some lame celebration of ghosts used as an excuse to extort confectionery from householders, when explosive devices can currently be bought across the counter in shops and shoved through letter boxes instead?  'Trick or Treat' provides only limited opportunities for kids to have fun, whereas Bonfire Night gives the opportunity for arson, terror and explosions.  I know which one I preferred when I was a kid.  Ah, the irresponsible things I did with fireworks back then.  Actually, in truth, it continued well into adulthood - you wouldn't believe the simple fun you can have with firework rockets.  

Anyway, I got to thinking what could be done to enliven Halloween these days.  For one thing, kids need to get back to wearing appropriate costumes - there are just too many spacemen, cowboys and Barbies going around knocking on doors these days.  Damn it, today I even saw a bloody pirate - what's that got to do with Halloween, for God's sake?  Kids should be wearing something really terrifying this time of year - like a Suella Braverman mask.  Imagine the fun they could have with that?  Knocking on the doors of refugees and asylum seekers and shouting 'Trick or Deportation?' through the letterbox - that should scare them shitless.  I did think that if any 'Trick or Treaters'  were to knock on my door today, I should give them some strong hallucinogens disguised in sweet wrappers, so that they'd go on a drug fueled murder rampage after eating them.  Which would be a good plot for a Halloween-themed horror film - and if one now comes out with a similar plot, I'll be expecting royalties, (I've had ideas ripped off before).  Sadly, though, none came to my house.  Not that I have any drugs to give them anyway, apart from prescription blood pressure medication, which might make them ill, but would be unlikely to trigger a bloody trail of mayhem.  Still, there's always next year...

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