Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Royal Death Cult

Are we all tired of the Queen Elizabeth II death cult yet?  Because that's what it increasingly feels like, with endless reports on TV and in the papers of exactly where her coffin is at any given time, not to mention who is standing by it, following or polishing it.  Not to mention the people queueing to walk past it, first in Edinburgh, now in London - people are spending all night on the pavement to try and make sure that they are at the front of the queue.  I don't know about you, but I'm finding it all rather creepy and morbid.  Then there's the obsession with the details of the funeral itself.  With all the adulation of the late Queen going on in the media, I'm half expecting to hear that, like an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, she's going to be interred in a gold sarcophagus in a huge pyramid built on the South Bank by slave labour, well, universal credit claimants, it's much the same thing.  Of course, they'll all be slaughtered, along with her servants and corgis (and possibly her favourite horses), in order to keep her company through all eternity.  Perhaps they'll wall up one of the Royal Daimlers in there as well, its mummified chauffeur behind the wheel, so that she can go for a spin in the afterlife.  

As I've said before, I actually have no wish to be disrespectful to Her Majesty, in spite of my personal opinions on the monarchy, but it is this whole media circus surrounding her death which is really pissing me off.  Especially all the bloody media parasites who crawl out of the woodwork at this time to try and prove that they are more sycophantic and more of a loyal Royalist than anyone else.  Worst of all are all of those Royal 'experts' they wheel out who pretend to have some kind of sources 'inside the palace' in order to justify the poisonous gossip, tittle tattle and fantasies they peddle as supposed truth.  We're reaching the point now that all this hysteria - because that's the only one can rationally describe what's going on the UK right now with regard to the Queen's death - is beginning to seriously impinge upon everyday life.  Apparently, on the day of the funeral, the entire country is going to shut down.  Supermarkets will close, DIY chains will do likewise, as will clothing stores.  Today, even Center Parcs tried to tell its customers that its sites were closing on Monday and that anyone staying there would have to leave their accommodation for the day and come back on Tuesday.  not surprisingly, by the end of the day they had been forced to do a U-turn on this.  But more seriously, operations in hospitals and doctors' appointments are being cancelled on the day of the funeral, which is bloody outrageous.  Oh and if you had a wedding or funeral booked for the day of the funeral, tough.  It's off and you'll have to reschedule.   These are not the actions of a normal society.

Before leaving the subject, obviously, I have to mention the repression of anti-monarchy protests by the police.  Apparently, holding a placard saying 'Not My King' can get you arrested, although, last time I checked, republicanism wasn't a crime in the UK.  Funnily enough, most of those right-wingers who like to bleat on about 'free speech' when they are prevented from saying anything racist, crying 'cancel culture' at the tops of their voices, have been silent on this issue.  As predicted, the Tory bastards' repressive anti-protest legislation is already being put into effect to suppress any dissident opinion using tactics that, when deployed in Moscow by Putin's thugs, we all condemn.  While I might agree that making these protests as the Queen's coffin passes by, or outside venues where she is lying in state, is probably ill-advised and possibly inappropriate, nonetheless, people do have a right to protest and express their opinions.  Personally, my problem is with the institution of monarchy rather than any individual members of it - directing our anger against them personally will be perceived as peevish and petty, most importantly, it is ineffective.  Constitutional change will ultimately come via the ballot box - so if you don't want the monarchy, as a first step, stop voting Tory. 

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