Friday, June 10, 2022

Still Not a Web Influencer

Before getting back to the usual stuff we do here, another quick delve into the mysteries of the internet.  So, yesterday it was Google I was moaning about, today it is Facebook.  Just lately I've had Facebook threatening to lock me out my account unless I enable something called Facebook Protect, which would allegedly make my account more secure.  (I'm always suspicious if such security 'innovations' - they are usually nothing more than data harvesting exercises on the part of online service providers so that they can spam and spy on you even more).  My suspicions were immediately aroused by the fact that they contrived to make their email appear as much like a phishing scam email as they possibly could.  Further doubts were raised by their raison d'etre for wanting me to switch on Protect as they had identified my accounts as being particularly at risk.  'Accounts like yours' were their actual words.  Which didn't enlighten me at all. I mean, accounts like what?  Those belonging to people whose use of the platform is minimal and purely functional?  Some further investigation established not only that the email was genuine, but that Protect id designed to, well, protect accounts 'that have the potential to reach and influence wider audiences', like those of journalists and media organisations.

Now, I'm neither of those things.  I'm only on Facebook to enable my membership of a couple of Groups connected to my online activities, (Humorfeed for the satire site and Onsug for the podcasts) and to maintain The Sleaze's Facebook page.  The number of Facebook friends I have are minimal and connected to those groups.  I can only assume that this Protect nonsense is because Facebook somehow thinks that The Sleaze is some kind of influential online news source.  I mean, really?  Have they seen my traffic levels lately?  Even its Facebook page doesn't get many views (and generates no traffic - people simply seem to read the stories on the page and not click through to the site itself).  We're back to that strange notion that I'm some kind of 'web influencer' simply because I run a web site, (I still get unsolicited emails from those marketing firms desperate for business as Google squeezes organic traffic ever more tightly, offering to hook me, as a 'web influencer' up with advertisers).  Absolute bollocks, obviously.  I mean, if only I did have the ability to reach and influence large audiences then, damn it, I'd have advertising all over The Sleaze and be employing somebody else to run it for me while I raked in the revenues!  I'd probably also have a blue tick after my name on Twitter and be one of those bores there who have huge followings hanging on my every tedious, not very witty and unoriginal Tweet.  But, thankfully, that isn't the case.  Quite obviously so.  Which leaves me still mystified as to what Facebook is trying to do with this Protect nonsense with regard to my account.



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