Thursday, July 22, 2021

End of Ennui?

The feeling of ennui which has been gripping me for the past few months seems finally to be lifting.  Doubts over the wisdom of having left my previous employment with nothing else on the horizon have been dispelled - the finances remain in excellent shape and I've given up worrying about what I'm going to do next.  It's Summer and I intend to enjoy it and let the future take care of itself.  To which end, I've actually been getting out of bed earlier and going out for walks - the main result of which was being bitten to buggery by insects on Monday. One of the little bastards actually drew blood.  Unfortunately, the heat has, this week, been largely stifling, rather restricting outdoor activities for fear of getting sun stroke.  Yesterday, for instance, it was twenty eight in the shade - so even a walk in the supposed cool of the woods left me feeling dehydrated and tired and had to be cut short.  But at least I'm doing something again at long last.  Indeed, I'm finally beginning to feel the glimmerings of motivation with regard to  various stalled projects.  Maybe it is this Summer weather that has reinvigorated me, or perhaps it is the fact that August, my traditional holiday month, is creeping ever closer, (although the concept of 'holiday' right now is rather academic as my time is entirely my own, anyway).

In the meantime, I see that the 2020 Olympics officially start tomorrow, a year late.  Which, if you aren't interested in various obscure sports, usually represents an ordeal, as the BBC's TV channels seem to go to showing nothing but the Olympics.  This time around, though, most of their coverage seems confined to overnight and daytime BBC1.  I don't think that this is entirely down to the fact that Tokyo is on the other side of the world so that, to us in the UK, it all seems to be happening in the middle of the night - I recall that during both the Beijing and Rio Olympics, the BBC still contrived to fill the schedules of at least three of their TV channels near exclusively with sport - but due to changes in the way the rights have been distributed this time.  Discovery seems to be main rights holder for the UK, with the BBC getting a slightly less comprehensive package than previously.  I don't know why I complain, though, I find myself watching regular TV less and less, favouring instead all the weird and wonderful shit I can stream via my Roku box.  I suppose that it is the principle of the matter - it is a question of public service: the BBC is meant to cater for a broad spectrum of UK viewership, not just sports fans, (or rabid Royalists, every time there's a Royal death or wedding).  Anyway, this time around I intend letting the Olympics pass me by entirely.



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