Monday, February 08, 2021

Daily Name Calling

Despite not reading the right-wing tabloids as a matter of principle, I can't help but see their front pages when I'm in the newsagents.  Consequently, I am not spared their 'War on Woke', (although, to be honest, as with 'Political Correctness', I'm still not sure exactly what 'Woke' is, other than it apparently being anything to the left of Hitler), which, in the case of the 'Daily Star' seems to consist of playground level name-calling.  As the term 'snowflake' no longer seems to suffice for conveying their entirely synthetic rage, anyone who disagrees with neo-Nazism in general or Specific things like Brexit, racism, bigotry and the like, is now a 'Bed-wetter'.  Now, leaving aside the fact that bed-wetting can actually be a symptom of deep seated anxieties and fears in children and therefore shouldn't be stigmatised, is this really the level our press has sunk to?  What next? Are they going to start calling people who express emotion over the deaths of, say, illegal Vietnamese immigrants who die in the backs of lorries in people smuggling rackets gone wrong, 'Cry Babies'? 

Why not just get straight to the point: intellectuals are 'four eyed gits', women who object to stuff like Page Three Girls are jealous 'Fat Arses', for instance.  I wouldn't mind, but epithets like 'Snowflake' and 'Bed Wetter' aren't even properly applicable to their, inevitably left-wing, targets.  They aren't the ones strutting around telling people how hard they are, before dissolving into hysterics when their actions catch up with them.  That's the right.  I mean, just look at those dicks who tried to stage a coup in the US by storming the Capitol Building.  That self-styled 'QAnon Shaman', for example - there he is, strutting around the Capitol with his freaky pals, his fucking stupid hat, face paint and Nazi tattoos, all 'Billy Big Bollocks', but as soon as he's in prison, it's a different tune, all whining about how he can't get his organic breakfast cereals and how he's willing to testify against Donald Trump at his impeachment.  Because, you know, Trump made him do it.  No, you chose to support Trump and commit insurrection.  Own it, you fucking bed-wetting snowflake.

Because that's the thing - these right-wing snowflakes, bed-wetters and crybabies (to use their own nomenclature) are the ones who are always getting outraged by something (usually facts) and whingeing on about it endlessly - and not just on social media.  Thanks to the fact that most of the print media in this country (not to mention 'talk radio' stations like Nazi FM, sorry, LBC), are owned by right-wing millionaires, they get to dominate the newspapers and airwaves with their whining.  They just never shut up.  Especially the ones who claim to have been 'cancelled', (what they really mean is that others have had the audacity to call out their bigotry and general idiocy). The problem is, of course, that all their hypocritical ill-informed bellowing will drown out any real, informed debate on the issues that matter.  So, reactionary neo-Nazi bed-wetters, shut the the fuck up, can't you?


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